01.03 17:20
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
Early 1900s newspaper reports claim that Taylor's ancestor Slumach placed a curse on his mine; a history of missing and dead prospectors support this claim, but where does legend end and truth begin? (Viasat Explore HD)
01.03 18:15
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
The newly-discovered testimony of an elderly Indigenous woman claims to know where Slumach found his gold; after returning from their expedition empty-handed, a disturbing vision has Kru rattled. (Viasat Explore HD)
01.03 19:10
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
When prospector Volcanic Brown went missing in 1931, rumours of his disappearance tied him to Slumach's gold; Don and Taylor investigate a strange marking on prospector tools found in the Upper Pitt. (Viasat Explore HD)
01.03 20:05
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
In 1968, 71-year-old prospector Bernard Rover crawled through 10 miles of Pitt Lake wilderness in a fight for his life; he was disoriented and secretive about where he had been and what he had found. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 10:35
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
Could a gold tooth found in the Upper Pitt mark the path to Slumach's gold? The team follows reports of missing 1930s prospector Volcanic Brown to his camp and a reported 'deep sinkhole of gold'. (Viasat Explore HD)
03.03 04:35
45 Min
Pokojnikovo prokletstvo:.
Da li bi zlatni zub pronađen u Gornjem Pitu mogao da označi put ka Slumahovom zlatu? Tim prati izveštaje o nestanku istraživača 30. godina 20. veka. (Viasat Explore)
03.03 08:25
55 Min
Pokojnikovo prokletstvo:.
Da li bi zlatni zub pronađen u Gornjem Pitu mogao da označi put ka Slumahovom zlatu? Tim prati izveštaje o nestanku istraživača 30. godina 20. veka. (Viasat Explore)
03.03 16:10
55 Min
Pokojnikovo prokletstvo:.
Novine s početka 1900, tvrdile su da je Tejlorov predak Slumah bacio prokletstvo na svoj rudnik, a niz nestalih i poginulih rudara potvrđuje njegove tvrdnje. Gde prestaje legenda i počinje istina? (Viasat Explore)