05.03 16:10
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
When prospector Volcanic Brown went missing in 1931, rumours of his disappearance tied him to Slumach's gold; Don and Taylor investigate a strange marking on prospector tools found in the Upper Pitt. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 08:30
55 Min
Pokojnikovo prokletstvo:.
1931. nestao je rudar Volkanik Braun, a glasine o njegovom nestanku povezuju ga sa Slumahovim zlatom. Don i Tejlom istraćiće neobične tragove na njegovom alatu. (Viasat Explore)
06.03 16:10
60 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
In 1968, 71-year-old prospector Bernard Rover crawled through 10 miles of Pitt Lake wilderness in a fight for his life; he was disoriented and secretive about where he had been and what he had found. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 16:10
60 Min
Pokojnikovo prokletstvo:.
1968. godine, rudar Bernard Rover puzao je 10 milja kroz divljinu jezera Pit u nastojanju da spasi svoj život. Bio je zbunjen i tajnovit kada je upitan gde je bio i šta je pronašao. (Viasat Explore)