13.12 11:45
15 Min
Power & Tech 2
Al Baum ()
13.12 11:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Al Baum S02 E03. Al Baum likes to invent crazy machines that give a different perspective on mobility. They are not meant to serve as practical modes of transportation, but they are fun! ()
13.12 11:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Al Baum S02 E03. Al Baum likes to invent crazy machines that give a different perspective on mobility. They are not meant to serve as practical modes of transportation, but they are fun! (INPLUS)
13.12 12:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Ian Britt S02 E04. We will take a look into the lives of 22 inventors and see how they work, invent and most of all think! What are their moves, how do they make their decisions. ()
13.12 12:45
15 Min
Power & Tech 2
Ian Britt ()
13.12 12:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Наука, Нидерландия, 2017, Al Baum likes to invent crazy machines that give a different perspective on mobility. They are not meant as practical mode of transportation, but they are fun. (Inplus)
13.12 12:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Ian Britt S02 E04. We will take a look into the lives of 22 inventors and see how they work, invent and most of all think! What are their moves, how do they make their decisions. (INPLUS)
13.12 13:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Наука, Нидерландия, 2017, Ian Britt is het boss of Vurtego the extreme pogo stick that holds 8 world records and allows you to jump over as bus. (Inplus)
14.12 03:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Al Baum S02 E03. Al Baum likes to invent crazy machines that give a different perspective on mobility. They are not meant to serve as practical modes of transportation, but they are fun! ()
14.12 03:45
15 Min
Power & Tech
Al Baum S02 E03. Al Baum likes to invent crazy machines that give a different perspective on mobility. They are not meant to serve as practical modes of transportation, but they are fun! (INPLUS)
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