12.03 06:37
23 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
Once Upon a Time in New Mexico S01 E01. After 4 months of hibernation, the male prairie dogs in northern New Mexico emerge. While the females continue to sleep in the burrows, the males compete for supremacy outside. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
12.03 06:40
25 Min
Το Βασίλειο του Κυνόμυ Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019505521,933228819,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
12.03 07:00
22 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
The Good, the Bad & The Snuggly S01 E02. Ecologist John Hoogland examines the behaviours of prairie dogs; the large rodents that are native to North America. The team is focussing on a colony near the New Mexico-Colorado border. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
12.03 07:05
20 Min
Το Βασίλειο του Κυνόμυ Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019505524,933228819,1 (National Geographic WILD HD)
13.03 05:15
20 Min
Το Βασίλειο του Κυνόμυ Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019505520,933228819,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
13.03 05:21
23 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
Once Upon a Time in New Mexico S01 E01. After 4 months of hibernation, the male prairie dogs in northern New Mexico emerge. While the females continue to sleep in the burrows, the males compete for supremacy outside. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
13.03 05:35
25 Min
Το Βασίλειο του Κυνόμυ Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019505523,933228819,1 (National Geographic WILD HD)
13.03 05:44
3 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
The Good, the Bad & The Snuggly S01 E02. Ecologist John Hoogland examines the behaviours of prairie dogs; the large rodents that are native to North America. The team is focussing on a colony near the New Mexico-Colorado border. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
13.03 06:32
23 Min
Prairie Dog Manor
New Sheriff in Town S01 E03. As top dog in the Flatlands, Furgie is taking his job a little too seriously, challenging a pesky thief even if it upsets his pregnant wife, June. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
13.03 06:40
25 Min
Το Βασίλειο του Κυνόμυ Κ1 Ε3
DIS0019505548,933228819,2 (National Geographic WILD HD)