28.09 20:00
65 Min
Pravda terora, ep. 1.
A Justice of Terror Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
28.09 20:00
65 Min
A Justice of Terror
We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of law. (Viasat History HD)
28.09 20:00
65 Min
Pravda terora
Otkrivamo kako su nacisti koristili zakone da bi opravdali neopravdivo i odobrili najgnusnije zločine. (Viasat History HD)
28.09 21:05
65 Min
Pravda terora, ep. 2.
A Justice of Terror Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
28.09 21:05
65 Min
A Justice of Terror
Viasat History. We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of... (Viasat History HD)
28.09 21:05
65 Min
Pravda terora
Otkrivamo kako su nacisti koristili zakone da bi opravdali neopravdivo i odobrili najgnusnije zločine. (Viasat History HD)
29.09 23:25
65 Min
Pravda terora, ep. 1.
A Justice of Terror Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
29.09 23:25
65 Min
A Justice of Terror
We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of law. (Viasat History HD)
29.09 23:25
65 Min
Pravda terora
Otkrivamo kako su nacisti koristili zakone da bi opravdali neopravdivo i odobrili najgnusnije zločine. (Viasat History HD)
30.09 00:30
60 Min
Pravda terora, ep. 2.
A Justice of Terror Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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