29.03 21:00
155 Min
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
The Bride has three names left on her list on her quest for revenge; Elle Driver, Budd, and her arch-nemesis Bill are her targets in the thrilling climax to this epic story of violent vengeance. (TV1000)
29.03 21:00
155 Min
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
The Bride has three names left on her list on her quest for revenge; Elle Driver, Budd, and her arch-nemesis Bill are her targets in the thrilling climax to this epic story of violent vengeance. (TV1000 Balkan)
29.03 21:00
155 Min
Kill Bill Vol 2
Dupa ce a taiat doua nume de pe lista ei, Mireasa isi indreapta atentia spre Budd, Elle Driver si Bill, singurii supravietuitori ai grupului de asasini care au tradat-o cu 4 ani in urma. - Sursa: media-press.tv (TV 1000)
29.03 21:00
155 Min
Kill Bill Vol 2
După ce a tăiat două nume de pe lista ei, Mireasa îşi îndreaptă atenţia spre Budd, Elle Driver şi Bill, singurii supravieţuitori ai grupului de asasini care au trădat-o cu 4 ani în urmă. (TV1000)
30.03 01:25
195 Min
Kill Bill 2
Nevesta pokračuje vo svojej krvavej ceste za pomstou. Na jej zozname smrti zostali už iba tri mená, no najťažší súboj... (JOJ Plus HD)
30.03 01:25
135 Min
Kill Bill 2
(Plus HD)
30.03 22:55
155 Min
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
The Bride has three names left on her list on her quest for revenge; Elle Driver, Budd, and her arch-nemesis Bill are her targets in the thrilling climax to this epic story of violent vengeance. (TV1000)
30.03 22:55
155 Min
Kill Bill 2, film
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Kriminalistički/Drama (TV1000 Balkan)
02.04 00:35
175 Min
Kill Bill 2, film
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Kriminalistički/Drama (TV1000 Balkan)