19.01 04:30
30 Min
Flip or Flop
Tarek and Christina secure a five-bed house in Bellflower to flip for profit. But their hopes are dashed when they discover toxic mould and termite damage. (HGTV HD)
19.01 05:00
30 Min
Flip or Flop
Tarek and Christina purchase a big 1960s-style home to flip in Fullerton, California. They remodel it to replicate the house next door. (HGTV HD)
19.01 08:42
27 Min
Dokumentarna reportazha za Belasitsa - edna od najstarite planini ne samo vo Republika Makedonija, tuku i na Balkanskiot Poluostrov, koja se prostira pomegju tri drzhavi, Makedonija, Grtsija i Bugarija. (MRT Sobraniski)
20.01 04:30
30 Min
Flip or Flop
With no foreclosures to flip in Orange County, Tarek and Christina broaden their search to include Los Angeles County and find a house with a view that looks promising. (HGTV HD)
20.01 05:00
30 Min
Flip or Flop
Tarek and Christina are contacted by a cash strapped flipper who needs to unload a project house. (HGTV HD)