27.12 06:50
50 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
27.12 06:50
50 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na planeti. Od divljih grabljivaca do društvenih ljubimaca - ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
27.12 09:25
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
27.12 09:25
55 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na planeti. Od divljih grabljivaca do društvenih ljubimaca - ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
27.12 13:05
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
27.12 16:00
60 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
27.12 16:00
60 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na planeti. Od divljih grabljivaca do društvenih ljubimaca - ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
28.12 06:50
50 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
28.12 09:25
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
28.12 13:05
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
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