28.12 06:50
50 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
28.12 09:25
55 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Putujte oko sveta i otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na svetu. Od divljih predatora do kućnih ljubimaca, ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
28.12 09:25
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
28.12 13:05
55 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Putujte oko sveta i otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na svetu. Od divljih predatora do kućnih ljubimaca, ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
28.12 13:05
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
28.12 16:00
60 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Putujte oko sveta i otkrijte kako su psi postali jedna od najcenjenijih životinja na svetu. Od divljih predatora do kućnih ljubimaca, ovo je priča o čovekovom najboljem prijatelju. (Animal Planet)
28.12 16:00
60 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend. ()
29.12 06:50
50 Min
Psi: Neispričana priča
Ispratite život štenaca lutalica u Tajlandu tokom prvih nekoliko nedelja njihovog opasnog života. U Katmanduu, psi se obožavaju i kite vencima za Tihar festival. (Animal Planet)
29.12 06:50
50 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Follow stray pups in Thailand through the first weeks of their dangerous lives. And in Kathmandu, dogs are worshipped and dressed with garlands for the Tihar festival. ()
29.12 13:05
55 Min
Dogs: The Untold Story
Follow stray pups in Thailand through the first weeks of their dangerous lives. And in Kathmandu, dogs are worshipped and dressed with garlands for the Tihar festival. ()
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