03.03 15:16
24 Min
Psići u ophodnji
Desetogodišnji dječak Ryder, sa svojih šest psića, svakodnevno pomaže stanovnicima gradića Adventure Bay. Naime, svakog je psića naučio nekoj vještini što čini taj tim uspješnim u ophodnji. (Pikaboo Slo/Hr)
03.03 17:00
20 Min
Paw Patrol
The pups save Humdinger from falling space debris in 'Pups Stop the Falling Space Jun', then in 'Pups Stop the Giant Cuckoo', Humdinger's Cuckoo Clock goes out of control. (S10, ep 11) (NickJr CRO.)
03.03 17:20
10 Min
Paw Patrol
Famous wrong-way explorer, Travelling Travis accidentally takes Chickaletta to the North Pole where they run into some crocodiles? (NickJr CRO.)
03.03 18:49
23 Min
Psići u ophodnji
Desetogodišnji dječak Ryder, sa svojih šest psića, svakodnevno pomaže stanovnicima gradića Adventure Bay. Naime, svakog je psića naučio nekoj vještini što čini taj tim uspješnim u ophodnji. (Pikaboo Slo/Hr)
03.03 19:45
25 Min
Paw Patrol
Daring Danny's at it again, luckily the Pups are able to raise their rig after Danny sinks the Paw Patroller. (NickJr CRO.)
03.03 20:10
20 Min
Paw Patrol
Ryder and the Pups pair up with Alex and his mini patrol to retrieve mysteriously missing items. (NickJr CRO.)
03.03 20:30
10 Min
Paw Patrol
Alex and Mr. Porter are delivering pizza dough for a big party when the van spins out of control. Pups to the rescue! (NickJr CRO.)
03.03 21:40
45 Min
Psići u ophodnji (5), crtana serija (2/26) (R)
03.03 22:21
24 Min
Psići u ophodnji
Desetogodišnji dječak Ryder, sa svojih šest psića, svakodnevno pomaže stanovnicima gradića Adventure Bay. Naime, svakog je psića naučio nekoj vještini što čini taj tim uspješnim u ophodnji. (Pikaboo Slo/Hr)
04.03 00:50
20 Min
Paw Patrol
Digi and Tal's inventions to help a busy Mayor Goodway go haywire. Mayor Humdinger squeezes himself into the Trekkers' dune buggy race, while his cheating ways put the other racers in jeopardy. (NickJr CRO.)
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