30.05 05:00
30 Min
(Travel XP HD)
30.05 05:00
30 Min
Ahemdabad & Gir, India E12. Sommer explores the bustling city of Ahmedabad and later visits the contrastingly tranquil, Sabarmati ashram, the home of Mahatma Gandhi. (Travel XP HD BNL)
30.05 05:00
30 Min
Backpack (12)
Ahmedabad and Gir, India (Travel XP)
30.05 05:00
30 Min
The core of Backpack is to show us round new spots and worldwide famous places by a show host travelling solo with a... (Travelxp HD)
30.05 05:00
30 Min
Ahemdabad & Gir, India E12. Sommer explores the bustling city of Ahmedabad and later visits the contrastingly tranquil, Sabarmati ashram, the home of Mahatma Gandhi. ()
30.05 05:00
30 Min
Backpack (12)
Ahemdabad & Gir, India. Sommer explores the bustling city of Ahmedabad and later visits the contrastingly tranquil, Sabarmati ashram, the home of Mahatma Gandhi. (Travel XP HD)
30.05 08:00
30 Min
The core of Backpack is to show us round new spots and worldwide famous places by a show host travelling solo with a... (Travelxp HD)
30.05 08:00
30 Min
Backpack (6)
Goa, India (Travel XP)
30.05 08:00
30 Min
Goa, India E06. Follow our host, Sommer as she tries kayaking, scuba diving near a ship wreck, then interacts with a local to understand the history and culture of Goa. (Travel XP HD)
30.05 11:00
30 Min
Badami, India E07. Sommer wraps her stay in Goa with some shopping and heads to Badami. Take a journey back in time to the Bhootnath temple dedicated to God of spirit. ()
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