07.03 20:50
65 Min
Αρπακτικά Πτηνά Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019479551,7367325,0 (Viasat Nature HD)
07.03 20:50
65 Min
An insightful and spectacular celebration of birds of prey, our planet's most successful hunters; from frozen wilderness to tangled jungle, this episode reveals the raptors as never before. (Viasat Nature HD)
07.03 21:55
60 Min
Αρπακτικά Πτηνά Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019479562,7367325,1 (Viasat Nature HD)
07.03 21:55
60 Min
An extraordinary look at the extreme ways in which birds of prey conquer the toughest habitats on Earth ny taking on deadly prey; raptors have solutions to many very extreme challenges. (Viasat Nature HD)
07.03 21:55
60 Min
Létající dravci
Draví ptáci jsou největšími lovci naší planety. Mají hákovitý zobák, chuť na maso a drápy ostré jako břitva, což jim stačí na ovládnutí světa. Podívejme se příběh nevídaného úspěchu dravců... (Viasat Nature)
08.03 13:50
55 Min
An insightful and spectacular celebration of birds of prey, our planet's most successful hunters; from frozen wilderness to tangled jungle, this episode reveals the raptors as never before. (Viasat Nature HD)
08.03 13:50
55 Min
Αρπακτικά Πτηνά Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019479553,7367325,0 (Viasat Nature HD)
08.03 13:50
55 Min
Meet the Raptors ()
08.03 14:45
55 Min
An extraordinary look at the extreme ways in which birds of prey conquer the toughest habitats on Earth ny taking on deadly prey; raptors have solutions to many very extreme challenges. (Viasat Nature HD)
08.03 14:45
55 Min
Αρπακτικά Πτηνά Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019479568,7367325,1 (Viasat Nature HD)
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