04.03 21:00
135 Min
War of the Worlds
When an alien invasion threatens the future of humanity, the catastrophic nightmare is depicted through the eyes of one American family fighting for survival. (TV1000)
04.03 21:00
135 Min
War of the Worlds
When an alien invasion threatens the future of humanity, the catastrophic nightmare is depicted through the eyes of one American family fighting for survival. (TV1000 Balkan)
06.03 09:15
135 Min
Rat svjetova, film
WAR OF THE WORLDS (2005) Pustolovni/SF (TV1000 Balkan)
07.03 12:10
135 Min
Rat svjetova
Budućnosti ljudske vrste prijeti invazija izvanzemaljaca. (TV1000 Balkan)
09.03 17:50
95 Min
Arthur 3: Rat dvaju svjetova, film
Arthur 3: la guerre des deux mondes (2010) Animirani/Obiteljski/Pustolovni (CineStar TV 2)