20.03 00:10
65 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945., ep. 1.
The World War: 1914-1945 Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.03 00:10
65 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945.
Originalna i dramatična serija koja promatra nasilne i značajne epizode u modernoj povijesti iz nove perspektive _... (Viasat History HD)
20.03 00:10
65 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
A series that views the most violent and significant episodes in modern history from a fresh perspective - not as two world wars, but as a continuous narrative of error, ambition, and courage. (Viasat History HD)
20.03 00:55
55 Min
Nacističke megagrađevine: Spremni za bitku 2, ep. 4. Hitlerov rat na moru
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
20.03 01:15
60 Min
Drugi svjetski rat - Bitke za Europu, ep. 4.
World War II - Battles for Europe Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.03 01:15
60 Min
Drugi svjetski rat - Bitke za Europu
Ova uzbudljiva serija vodi nas u središte legendarnih trenutaka u povijesti ratovanja: iskrcavanje tijekom Bitke za... (Viasat History HD)
20.03 01:15
60 Min
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis. (Viasat History HD)
20.03 06:30
30 Min
Rat - a - Tat
DIS0019439570 (Βεργίνα TV)
20.03 07:00
30 Min
Rat - A - Tat
Children animation series ()
20.03 07:00
30 Min
Rat - a - Tat
DIS0019537553 (Smile TV)