06.10 09:00
65 Min
Scanning the Nile
In northern Egypt, off of the coast of Alexandria, we set off on a journey to discover the incredible stories of two ancient sunken cities at the mouth of the Nile. (Viasat History HD)
06.10 09:00
65 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
U severnom Egiptu, uz obalu Aleksandrije, krećemo na putovanje sa ciljem da otkrijemo neverovatne pričeo dva drevna grada na ušću Nila, koja su davno potopljena. (Viasat History)
06.10 10:05
70 Min
Scanning the Nile
In the region of Cairo, the Nile fertilised the earth, but it also provided water to the canals that were used for the construction of the pyramids, among other things. (Viasat History HD)
06.10 10:05
70 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
U regiji oko grada Kaira, Nil je plodio zemlju, ali je obezbeđivao i vodu za kanale koji su, između ostalog, korišćeni i za građenje piramida. (Viasat History)
06.10 11:15
65 Min
Scanning the Nile
Built on the shores of the Nile, Luxor is home to the greatest monuments of the New Kingdom: the Karnak complex, the temple of Denderah, and the million-year-old castle of Ramesses II. (Viasat History HD)
06.10 11:15
65 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
Izgrađen na obali Nila, Luksor je mesto gde se nalaze najveće građevine Novog kraljevstva - kompleks Karnak, hram Dendera i zamak Ramzesa II, star milion godina. (Viasat History)
06.10 12:20
70 Min
Scanning the Nile
The first cataract of the Nile cuts through Aswan, making it a natural border and a gateway to the gold of the Pharaohs; we dive into the waters of Elephantine Island to discover the oldest Nilometer. (Viasat History HD)
06.10 12:20
70 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
Asvanje bio prirodna granica i sklonište za zlato faraona. Zaranjamo u vode ostrva Elefantin kako bismo otkrili najstariji nilometar. (Viasat History)
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