29.12 06:00
65 Min
Scanning the Nile
We get a glimpse at the immense role played by the sacred river in the growth of ancient Egypt; with the use of the latest technology, we witness how the river evolved over the centuries. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 06:00
65 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
U severnom Egiptu, uz obalu Aleksandrije, krećemo na putovanje sa ciljem da otkrijemo neverovatne pričeo dva drevna grada na ušću Nila, koja su davno potopljena. (Viasat History)
29.12 07:05
70 Min
Scanning the Nile
We get a glimpse at the immense role played by the sacred river in the growth of ancient Egypt; with the use of the latest technology, we witness how the river evolved over the centuries. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 07:05
70 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
U regiji oko grada Kaira, Nil je plodio zemlju, ali je obezbeđivao i vodu za kanale koji su, između ostalog, korišćeni i za građenje piramida. (Viasat History)
29.12 08:15
65 Min
Scanning the Nile
We get a glimpse at the immense role played by the sacred river in the growth of ancient Egypt; with the use of the latest technology, we witness how the river evolved over the centuries. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 08:15
65 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
Izgrađen na obali Nila, Luksor je mesto gde se nalaze najveće građevine Novog kraljevstva - kompleks Karnak, hram Dendera i zamak Ramzesa II, star milion godina. (Viasat History)
29.12 09:20
65 Min
Scanning the Nile
The first cataract of the Nile cuts through Aswan, making it a natural border and a gateway to the gold of the Pharaohs; we dive into the waters of Elephantine Island to discover the oldest Nilometer. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 09:20
65 Min
Razotkrivanje Nila
Asvanje bio prirodna granica i sklonište za zlato faraona. Zaranjamo u vode ostrva Elefantin kako bismo otkrili najstariji nilometar. (Viasat History)