21.01 02:50
45 Min
Rip Files
Ep. 10 - Explore The Darkness (DocuBox)
21.01 03:50
45 Min
Rip Files
Investigators visit the Patapsco Female Institute and discover evidence of voodoo. (Docubox)
21.01 03:50
45 Min
Rip Files
Re-visit some of the team's most memorable cases. (DocuBox HD)
22.01 03:20
25 Min
Rip Files
Ep. 04 - Haunting Memories (DocuBox)
22.01 03:45
45 Min
Rip Files
Ep. 04 - Haunted Heritage (DocuBox)
22.01 04:20
25 Min
Rip Files
Investigators try new techniques and encounter more odd activities throughout this large estate. (DocuBox HD)
22.01 04:45
45 Min
Rip Files
Guest Investigator Bill Hartley ("Ghosts of Shepherdstown") invites the team to explore a very active former police headquarters and fire station. (DocuBox HD)
23.01 23:35
45 Min
Rip Files
Ep. 10 - Explore The Darkness (DocuBox)