02.03 15:30
50 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 1. Škola opstanka
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
02.03 15:40
45 Min
Born in Africa
All newborns must immediately assimilate two fundamental notions: recognizing their mother as individuals of their own species, and learn to master the body they are discovering. ()
02.03 16:20
45 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 2. Opasna igraonica
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
02.03 16:25
50 Min
Born in Africa
After a few weeks, the babies have overcome the earliest dangers. The time has come for them to confront their fellow creatures. ()
02.03 17:05
55 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 3. Lovačke poduke
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
02.03 17:15
45 Min
Born in Africa
Our little fluff balls now know their place within the family. Now, those "teens" are armed to face the new dangers that lie in wait for them in the savanna. ()
03.03 00:45
45 Min
Born in Africa
All newborns must immediately assimilate two fundamental notions: recognizing their mother as individuals of their own species, and learn to master the body they are discovering. ()
03.03 01:50
45 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 1. Škola opstanka
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
03.03 02:35
45 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 2. Opasna igraonica
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
03.03 03:20
50 Min
Rođeni u Africi, ep. 3. Lovačke poduke
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)