05.03 00:00
30 Min
Route 66
Cruising along the legendary Route 66, Genevieve rolls into Kansas, home to the shortest stretch of the highway. (Travelxp HD)
05.03 00:00
30 Min
Route 66
Пътуване/Туризъм, САЩ, Cruising along the legendary Route 66, Genevieve rolls into Kansas, home to the shortest stretch of the highway. (TravelXP)
05.03 00:00
30 Min
Route 66 (3)
Kansas (Travel XP)
05.03 00:00
30 Min
Route 66
Kansas E03. Cruising along the legendary Route 66, Genevieve rolls into Kansas, home to the shortest stretch of the highway. (Travel XP )
05.03 02:30
30 Min
Route 66:New Mexico,ep.5
(Travelxp HD)
05.03 03:30
30 Min
Route 66
Пътуване/Туризъм, САЩ, As Genevieve crosses into New Mexico on Route 66, what started as a classic road trip begins to turn into a journey to understanding her roots. (TravelXP)
05.03 03:30
30 Min
Route 66
As Genevieve crosses into New Mexico on Route 66, what started as a classic road trip begins to turn into a journey... (Travelxp HD)
05.03 03:30
30 Min
Route 66 (5)
New Mexico (Travel XP)
05.03 03:30
30 Min
Route 66
New Mexico E05. As Genevieve crosses into New Mexico on Route 66, what started as a classic road trip begins to turn into a journey to understanding her roots. (Travel XP )
05.03 06:30
30 Min
Route 66
As Genevieve's epic road trip leads her to Arizona's raw, untamed terrain, the state begins to reveal its surreal... (Travelxp HD)
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