28.06 14:40
55 Min
Broken Wind S03 E20. Scorpion wordt ingehuurd om een nieuwe windturbine te ontwerpen. Als Paige en Happy in gevaar zijn, moet de rest van het team snel in actie komen. (Play6)
28.06 14:45
55 Min
Broken Wind S03 E20. Scorpion wordt ingehuurd om een nieuwe windturbine te ontwerpen. Als Paige en Happy in gevaar zijn, moet de rest van het team snel in actie komen. (Play6)
28.06 17:05
55 Min
Dramº (STAR)
28.06 17:05
60 Min
The team use their high IQs to win a softball game when they are challenged by the homeland security director, with all their future government contracts on the line. (STAR HD)
28.06 17:05
60 Min
The team use their high IQs to win a softball game when they are challenged by the homeland security director, with all their future government contracts on the line. (Star Channel HD)
28.06 17:25
50 Min
Les supers fun guys S02 E05. Un missile, qui date de l'ère soviétique, a été vendu par un terroriste. Scorpion se rend au Kazakhstan, sur le tournage d'un film, pour le retrouver. (RTL Club)
28.06 18:15
50 Min
La tour de cristal infernale S02 E06. Un virus informatique, qui a pris possession de l'ordinateur de Walter, détraque le logiciel de gestion d'un "immeuble intelligent", piégeant ses occupants. (RTL Club)
28.06 23:50
130 Min
The Scorpion King
A desert warrior rises up against the evil army that is destroying his homeland. He captures the enemy's key sorcerer, takes her deep into the desert and prepares for a final showdown. 2002 (SciFi HD)
28.06 23:50
130 Min
The Scorpion King
A desert warrior rises up against the evil army that is destroying his homeland. He captures the enemy's key sorcerer, takes her deep into the desert and prepares for a final showdown. 2002 (SCI FI HD)
29.06 01:25
50 Min
The team use their high IQs to win a softball game when they are challenged by the homeland security director, with all their future government contracts on the line. (Star Channel HD)
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