26.12 09:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Porodica se bavi posledicama Ejminog sloma. Kod kuće, Kris dobija operaciju uklanjanja kože. Ejmi ima rizično fotografisanje. (TLC)
26.12 09:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
The Slaton sisters weigh over 1000lbs combined and they seem to be piling it on. To live a healthier life they must drop the pounds and undergo surgery: but do they have the willpower? (TLC HD)
26.12 22:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Temi treba novo mesto za život, ali pronalazi više problema nego rešenja, a Ejmi nudi mir sa nekim veoma sumnjivim sastojcima. (TLC)
26.12 22:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
War And Peas. Tammy needs a new place to live but finds more problems than solutions, and Amy makes a peace offering with some highly questionable ingredients. (TLC HD)
27.12 02:50
50 Min
1000-lb Sisters
War And Peas. Tammy needs a new place to live but finds more problems than solutions, and Amy makes a peace offering with some highly questionable ingredients. (TLC HD)