08.01 07:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Ejmi i Tami Slejton su sestre koje imaju nešto zajedničko, obe imaju ogroman višak kilograma. Napravile su uspešan Jutjub kanal koji im je glavni izvor zarade. (TLC)
08.01 07:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Amy and Tammy Slaton are sisters who share something in common, they are both overweight. They have made a successful YouTube channel that is their main source of income. (TLC HD)
08.01 16:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Amy and Tammy Slaton are sisters who share something in common, they are both overweight. They have made a successful YouTube channel that is their main source of income. (TLC HD)
09.01 07:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Sestre Ejmi i Tami Slejton su senzacija na internetu i obe su morbidno gojazne. Sada su odlučne u tome da smršaju zbog barijatrijske operacije koja će im promeniti život. (TLC)
09.01 07:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Sisters Amy and Tammy Slaton are internet sensations who are both morbidly obese. Now, they're determined to lose weight for life-changing bariatric surgery. PREMIERE (TLC HD)
09.01 16:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Sestre Ejmi i Tami Slejton su senzacija na internetu i obe su morbidno gojazne. Sada su odlučne u tome da smršaju zbog barijatrijske operacije koja će im promeniti život. (TLC)
09.01 16:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Sisters Amy and Tammy Slaton are internet sensations who are both morbidly obese. Now, they're determined to lose weight for life-changing bariatric surgery. PREMIERE (TLC HD)
09.01 22:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Kris se sprema za svoj predstojeći sastanak sa plastičnim hirurgom i podstiče Temi da se pridruži. Ejmi sprema večeru za celu porodicu. (TLC)
09.01 22:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Carbe Diem. Chris gears up for his upcoming appointment with a plastic surgeon and encourages Tammy to tag along. Amy whips up dinner for the whole family. (TLC HD)
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