15.01 16:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Tammy is feeling low after learning she has put all the weight she lost back on. Plus, Amy is excited about becoming a mum, but she is worried about Tammy. (TLC HD)
15.01 16:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Temi je u depresiji jer je shvatila da je vratila sve kilograme koje je prethodno izgubila. Ejmi je uzbuđena što će postati majka, ali je ujedno i zabrinuta zbog Temi. (TLC)
16.01 07:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
When Tammy gets devastating news from Dr. Procter, her brother Chris makes a life-altering decision. And, a very pregnant Amy can't stop overeating. (TLC HD)
16.01 16:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
When Tammy gets devastating news from Dr. Procter, her brother Chris makes a life-altering decision. And, a very pregnant Amy can't stop overeating. (TLC HD)
16.01 22:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Dok se porodica fokusira na Amandine vesti o selidbi na Floridu, Kris smišlja plan da je ubedi da ostane. Ejmi i Temi imaju noćni izlazak. (TLC)
16.01 22:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Limo Beans. As the family reels from Amanda's news about moving to Florida, Chris comes up with a plan to convince her to stay. Amy and Tammy have a night out. (TLC HD)
17.01 02:50
50 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Dok se porodica fokusira na Amandine vesti o selidbi na Floridu, Kris smišlja plan da je ubedi da ostane. Ejmi i Temi imaju noćni izlazak. (TLC)
17.01 02:50
50 Min
1000-lb Sisters
Limo Beans. As the family reels from Amanda's news about moving to Florida, Chris comes up with a plan to convince her to stay. Amy and Tammy have a night out. (TLC HD)
17.01 07:00
60 Min
Sestre od 500 kilograma
Slatke sestre, Ejmi i Temi Slejton, su gojazne. One nastavljaju svoju borbu da izgube kilograme, ali ih na tom putu čekaju mnogi usponi i padovi. (TLC)
17.01 07:00
60 Min
1000-lb Sisters
The Slatons are shocked by the cause of Amy's trip to the emergency room. Plus, Tammy must step on the scales again after a month of not sticking to her diet. (TLC HD)
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