05.12 07:25
45 Min
Καρχαρίες εναντίον Δελφινιών: Αίμα στο Νερό Ε1
DIS0018856636,6520779,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
05.12 07:25
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 07:27
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
Find out more about the relationship between sharks and dolphins. Sharks may be known as lonely hunters, but they also hunt in groups and even transfer knowledge to other sharks. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
05.12 09:40
45 Min
Καρχαρίες εναντίον Δελφινιών: Αίμα στο Νερό Ε1
DIS0018856635,6520779,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
05.12 09:40
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 09:42
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
Find out more about the relationship between sharks and dolphins. Sharks may be known as lonely hunters, but they also hunt in groups and even transfer knowledge to other sharks. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
05.12 15:45
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
National Geographic Wild ()
05.12 15:45
45 Min
Καρχαρίες εναντίον Δελφινιών: Αίμα στο Νερό Ε1
DIS0018856634,6520779,0 (National Geographic WILD HD)
05.12 15:45
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 15:46
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
Find out more about the relationship between sharks and dolphins. Sharks may be known as lonely hunters, but they also hunt in groups and even transfer knowledge to other sharks. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)