15.03 02:00
50 Min
Grantchester bűnei
Amikor holttestre bukkannak a Jesus Green parkban, a szálak egy nyomasztó szerzetesrendhez vezetik Willt és Geordie-t, ahol Willnek végre szembe kell nézni démonaival. (TV4)
15.03 02:50
175 Min
Grantchester bűnei
Egy cambridgeshire-i plébános azon találja magát, hogy titokzatos bűnesetek sorozatát vizsgálja kis falujában, Grantchesterben. (TV4)
15.03 04:00
50 Min
15.03 13:05
45 Min
Grantchester 5
Drama series - Ep. 3 (Epic Drama HD)
15.03 13:50
50 Min
Grantchester 5
Drama series - Ep. 4 (Epic Drama HD)
15.03 14:40
45 Min
Grantchester 5
Drama series - Ep. 5 (Epic Drama HD)
15.03 14:55
60 Min
S07 E01. The dead body of Lord Edmund Fitzgerald is found on his family estate, and Will and Geordie find themselves at odds with new boss DCI Elliot Wallace over whether he was murdered. (BBC First )
15.03 16:00
70 Min
Another homeless man is found dead, clean-shaven and killed in the same manner as the previous victims. Geordie and Will realise that they may have sent the wrong man to prison. (STAR Crime HD)
15.03 16:00
70 Min
Grantchester 7, ep. 6. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (STAR Crime.)
16.03 03:00
50 Min
Another homeless man is found dead, clean-shaven and killed in the same manner as the previous victims. Geordie and Will realise that they may have sent the wrong man to prison. (STAR Crime HD)
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