06.02 16:00
60 Min
Death by Fame
A deputy sheriff turns in his badge to pursue a career in acting. When a shooting leaves him injured and his wife dead, police learn there's more to this court TV star. (ID HD)
06.02 17:00
60 Min
Death by Fame
Comedian Jim Jefferies recounts his experiences with an intern who seemed to live a life of luxury. But in May 2016, it all came crashing down. (ID HD)
07.02 08:00
60 Min
Death by Fame
A deputy sheriff turns in his badge to pursue a career in acting. When a shooting leaves him injured and his wife dead, police learn there's more to this court TV star. (ID HD)
07.02 08:00
60 Min
Smrt zbog slave
Zamenik šerifa predaje svoju značku kako bi nastavio glumačku karijeru. Kad on bude povređen u pucnjavi, a njegova žena mrtva, policija saznaje nešto više o ovoj TV zvezdi. (ID)
07.02 09:00
60 Min
Death by Fame
Comedian Jim Jefferies recounts his experiences with an intern who seemed to live a life of luxury. But in May 2016, it all came crashing down. (ID HD)
07.02 09:00
60 Min
Smrt zbog slave
Komičar Džim Džefris prepričava svoja iskustva sa stažistom za koga se činilo da živi luksuznim životom. Međutim, u maju 2016, sve se srušilo. (ID)