04.03 23:10
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he. Join Old King Cole and his three fiddlers in this merry folk nursery rhyme. (Baby TV)
04.03 23:11
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, The Itsy-Bitsy Spider is trying to climb the waterspout, but with no luck. The rain keeps washing it out. Perhaps the sun can help the poor little spider? (Baby TV)
05.03 00:14
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Elephant and Hippo go on a picnic on their boat. Elephant manages to catch a fish but ouch! He got bitten! Come count the fish along with Baby, Hippo and Elephant. (Baby TV)
05.03 00:57
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Charlie has fun in the Bath! Join him as he washes his hair, scrubs himself with soap, makes bubbles and plays with his rubber duck. When he's nice and clean he puts on his pajamas and goes to bed. (Baby TV)
05.03 02:10
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Join BabyTV in this classic version of The Muffin Man that introduces your little ones to the adorable muffin man delivering baked goods all around town. (Baby TV)
05.03 02:23
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Everyone shares in the fun when singing Ten Green Bottles. (Baby TV)
05.03 03:07
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Join Charlie, Lola, Oliver, hungry Henry, Draco and Billy and Bambam as they sing and dance together. Grab a friend or a parent and dance along with them – round and round and up (Baby TV)
05.03 03:40
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2020, Playing ball with Draco is fun. When the ball flies over the mountain the bear goes over the mountain to look for it. What will he find? (Baby TV)
05.03 04:01
61 Min
Songs & Rhymes
04:01 Songs & Rhymes 04:02 Time for bed 04:06... (Baby TV.)
05.03 04:01
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Анимация, Великобритания, 2012, Black Sheep has really got her friends covered! She knits sweaters for Rabbit, Giraffe and Baby and to keep them extra warm she also makes them a scarf and hat! (Baby TV)