28.09 02:05
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed! Can you guess what happens? One falls off and bumps his head! Somebody call the doctor! (Baby TV)
28.09 02:32
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
The entire family is having fun playing football outside when it starts raining! With a little help from their imagination, the family finds a fun way of playing football indoors! (Baby TV)
28.09 03:03
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Elephant and Hippo go on a picnic on their boat. Elephant manages to catch a fish but ouch! He got bitten! Come count the fish along with Baby, Hippo and Elephant. (Baby TV)
28.09 03:03
57 Min
Songs & Rhymes
04:03 Songs & Rhymes 04:05 Time for bed 04:09... (Baby TV.)
28.09 03:38
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Toto, Robbie and Dolly are all busy baking a cake! After pouring all the ingredients in the pan Robbie uses his hand as a whip to whip them all up. (Baby TV)
28.09 03:40
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Baby Butterfly tucks everyone in bed sending them off to a peaceful sleep - Elephant, Draco, Ollie, Charlie and Lola. Good night everyone. (Baby TV)
28.09 03:42
1 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Come join all your favorite BabyTV friends as they have fun dancing like babies, ride in hot-air balloons, meet a magician, and have wagon races. (Baby TV)
28.09 03:43
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Come pick potatoes with your favorite BabyTV friends - Hippo, elephant, Squirrel, Rabbit and Baby! (Baby TV)
28.09 03:45
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
Elephatn, Giraffe and Rabbit sure know some moves. Join them as they count and dance! (Baby TV)
28.09 03:47
2 Min
Songs & Rhymes
The ants march along carrying cherries, oranges and other goodies from the picnic basket and find shelter from the rain. (Baby TV)
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