16.03 04:00
30 Min
Spartacus: Heroes&Villains
DIS0019562126,4373188905, (Κρήτη Νέα Τηλεόραση)
17.03 10:30
30 Min
Labdarúgás: OTP Bank Liga: Nyíregyháza Spartacus FC - ETO FC Győr mérkőzés
(magyar sportműsor) (M4 Sport)
17.03 19:21
8 Min
Sample the Pleasures. Spartacus wins a life and death battle in the arena and is sold as a slave. His new project is to seduce Lucretia. An exciting version of the age-old story retold by Wicked Pictures. ()
19.03 20:30
30 Min
Καθοριστικές Μάχες: Σπάρτακος
DIS0019481170 (COSMOTE History HD)