25.01 18:00
45 Min
New Wave Warriors
Amidst the bad news about climate change, pollution and overfishing, these innovators and adventurers are doing their best to protect the oceans. ()
25.01 18:00
45 Min
Specijal za svetski dan okeana
Klimatske promene, zagađenje i preterani izlov uništavaju morska staništa. Ovo je priča o neustrašivim avanturistima i inovatorima čija imena ne dospevaju uvek u novine. (National Geographic Wild)
25.01 20:20
50 Min
New Wave Warriors
Amidst the bad news about climate change, pollution and overfishing, these innovators and adventurers are doing their best to protect the oceans. ()
25.01 20:20
50 Min
Specijal za svetski dan okeana
Klimatske promene, zagađenje i preterani izlov uništavaju morska staništa. Ovo je priča o neustrašivim avanturistima i inovatorima čija imena ne dospevaju uvek u novine. (National Geographic Wild)
25.01 23:20
50 Min
New Wave Warriors
Amidst the bad news about climate change, pollution and overfishing, these innovators and adventurers are doing their best to protect the oceans. ()
25.01 23:20
50 Min
Specijal za svetski dan okeana
Klimatske promene, zagađenje i preterani izlov uništavaju morska staništa. Ovo je priča o neustrašivim avanturistima i inovatorima čija imena ne dospevaju uvek u novine. (National Geographic Wild)