22.12 12:10
135 Min
Need for Speed, film
NEED FOR SPEED (2014) Akcija (Cinestar Premiere 2)
22.12 12:10
135 Min
Need for Speed
U ovom adrenalinskom filmu radnja se vrti oko priče street-racera Tobeyja Marshalla (Aaron Paul iz serije Breaking... (CineStar TV Premiere 2)
22.12 15:35
50 Min
Speed Kills I
Ep. 01 (DocuBox)
22.12 16:15
145 Min
Speed: Cursă infernală
Dacă Jack Traven, poliţist al trupelor speciale, nu se afla din întâmplare în autobuzul în care un maniac a pus o bombă, aceasta ar fi putut exploda. (AMC RO)
22.12 16:15
145 Min
Speed: Cursa infernala
Daca Jack Traven, politist al trupelor speciale, nu se afla din intamplare in autobuzul in care un maniac a pus o bomba, aceasta ar fi putut exploda. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AMC)
22.12 16:25
50 Min
Speed Kills I
Ep. 02 (DocuBox)
22.12 16:35
50 Min
Speed Kills
Jungle hunters are masters of disguise. But speed is their secret weapon. A chameleon shoots its ballistic tongue out with five times more g-force than a fighter jet. (DocuBox HD)
22.12 16:35
50 Min
Speed Kills
Nature is full of instants invisible to the human eye, which modern technology can now slow down and deconstruct in graphic detail. (Docubox)
22.12 17:10
60 Min
Speed Cops - Poser und Raser im Visier
Die erste, letzte Spritztour (DMAX HD)
22.12 17:10
60 Min
Speed Cops - Poser und Raser im Visier
1 .Staffel, Folge 4. Dokumentationsreihe, D 2023. Die erste, letzte Spritztour: In Hannover rast ein Taxi mit über 80 km/h durch die Stadt. (DMAX HD)