31.01 18:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
A family won't step foot in the basement after a brutal murder takes place. Amy and Adam bring in advanced paranormal gadgets, and find shocking evidence on camera. ()
31.01 19:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
A terrified couple calls for help after witnessing a chair levitate in their home. A psychic's visit reveals a horrifying truth that leaves Adam and Amy shocked. ()
01.02 05:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
A terrified couple calls for help after witnessing a chair levitate in their home. A psychic's visit reveals a horrifying truth that leaves Adam and Amy shocked. ()
01.02 21:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Amy, Adam and Chip rush to Massachusetts to investigate an aggressive spirit that's haunting a family home. Can the team find answers before it's too late? (ID HD)
01.02 21:00
60 Min
Srodne duše
Ejmi, Adam i Čip žure u Masačusets da istraže agresivni duh koji proganja porodičnu kuću. Može li tim pronaći odgovore pre nego što bude prekasno? (ID)
01.02 22:00
60 Min
Srodne duše
Ejmi, Adam i Čip žure u Masačusets da istraže agresivnog duha koji opseda porodičnu kuću. Može li tim pronaći odgovore pre nego što bude kasno? (ID)