05.12 00:00
60 Min
My Feet Are Killing Me
Nate sees Dr. Brad for help with the raging calluses on his feet. Savannah has a rare condition that made her big toe grow to an enormous size. (TLC HD)
05.12 00:00
60 Min
Stopala me ubijaju
Nejt dolazi kod doktora Breda jer ima problem sa stopalima. Savana ima problem, usled kog joj palac raste do nenormalne veličine. (TLC)
06.12 00:00
60 Min
My Feet Are Killing Me
Troy's extra toe causes him pain, and he hopes Dr. Ebonie can provide him with relief. Dr. Brad does his best to untangle a ballet dancer's twisted feet. (TLC HD)
06.12 00:00
60 Min
Stopala me ubijaju
Troj ima bolove zbog prsta viška i on se nada da dr Eboni može da mu pomogne. Dr Bred daje sve od sebe da pomogne balerini koja je uvrnula stopalo. (TLC)
07.12 00:00
60 Min
My Feet Are Killing Me
Patty lost most of her foot in an extreme amputation, and she needs Dr. Sarah's help. Russell visits Dr. Ebonie with feet that look like hooves. (TLC HD)