23.09 00:55
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
(Love Nature HD (PS))
23.09 00:55
55 Min
(Ep 2/s1) Spor en gravid haj langs Great Barrier Reef, og se, om hun fører et hold forskere til sin... (Love Nature HD)
23.09 00:55
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Love Bites S01 E02. Track a pregnant shark along the Great Barrier Reef and see if she leads a team of scientists to her hidden pupping ground. (Love Nature HD INT)
23.09 13:00
55 Min
(Ep 1/s1) Tag på en farlig mærkningsmission i det sydlige Australien, der vil vise, hvad hajer spiser, og... (Love Nature HD)
23.09 13:00
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Food, Glorious Food S01 E01. Embark on a dangerous tagging mission in South Australia that will show what sharks eat and why they gather in feeding hot spots. ()
23.09 13:00
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Food, Glorious Food S01 E01. Embark on a dangerous tagging mission in South Australia that will show what sharks eat and why they gather in feeding hot spots. (Love Nature HD INT)
23.09 13:00
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
(Love Nature HD)
23.09 13:00
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Food, Glorious Food S01 E01. Embark on a dangerous tagging mission in South Australia that will show what sharks eat and why they gather in feeding hot spots. (Love Nature 4K)
24.09 01:50
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Food, Glorious Food S01 E01. Embark on a dangerous tagging mission in South Australia that will show what sharks eat and why they gather in feeding hot spots. ()
24.09 01:50
55 Min
Super Shark Highway
Food, Glorious Food S01 E01. Embark on a dangerous tagging mission in South Australia that will show what sharks eat and why they gather in feeding hot spots. (Love Nature HD INT)
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