13.02 00:45
45 Min
The Universe
Are asteroids and comets really responsible for deadly viruses and even new life on Earth? (History 2.)
13.02 00:45
45 Min
Da li su asteroidi i komete zaista odgovorni za smrtonosne viruse, pa čak i za novi život na Zemlji? (History 2)
13.02 06:45
45 Min
The Universe
Are asteroids and comets really responsible for deadly viruses and even new life on Earth? (History 2.)
13.02 06:45
45 Min
Da li su asteroidi i komete zaista odgovorni za smrtonosne viruse, pa čak i za novi život na Zemlji? (History 2)
13.02 12:45
45 Min
The Universe
Are asteroids and comets really responsible for deadly viruses and even new life on Earth? (History 2.)
13.02 18:45
45 Min
Niska orbita je samo 190 km iznad Zemlje, ali tu se najčešće istražuje svemir. (History 2)
13.02 18:45
45 Min
The Universe
Low orbit is only 120 miles above Earth, but this is where most of space exploration has occurred. (History 2.)
14.02 00:45
45 Min
The Universe
Low orbit is only 120 miles above Earth, but this is where most of space exploration has occurred. (History 2.)
14.02 00:45
45 Min
Niska orbita je samo 190 km iznad Zemlje, ali tu se najčešće istražuje svemir. (History 2)
14.02 06:45
45 Min
The Universe
Low orbit is only 120 miles above Earth, but this is where most of space exploration has occurred. (History 2.)