16.01 11:10
65 Min
Svetski rat: 1914-1945.
Hitlerova invazija na Rajnlend je bio rizik koji se isplatio. Dok su se evropski lideri zalagali za mir, Kristalna noć ukazala je na horore koji se tek spremaju mnogima. (Viasat History)
16.01 18:05
60 Min
Svetski rat: 1914-1945.
Hitlerova invazija na Rajnlend je bio rizik koji se isplatio. Dok su se evropski lideri zalagali za mir, Kristalna noć ukazala je na horore koji se tek spremaju mnogima. (Viasat History)
18.01 11:15
60 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
During WWI, men had to endure combat and extreme conditions; civilians dealt with food shortages and raids. The insidiousness of ethnic cleansing raised its head, and a young Adolf Hitler took note. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 12:15
55 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Stalin rises as the leader of the Bolsheviks, and in Munich, the German Workers Party takes a new name: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter, or "Nazi" as it would come to be called. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 13:10
65 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Hitler and Stalin begin to shape the course of history. President Roosevelt attempts to raise his country out of the Depression, and the world teeters on the brink of yet another World War. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 13:10
65 Min
Svetski rat: 1914-1945.
Hitler i Staljin počeli su da oblikuju istoriju. Predsednik Ruzvelt pokušava da izdigne svoju zemlju iz depresije, a svet se nalazi na rubu još jednog svetskog rata. (Viasat History)
18.01 14:15
60 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Hitler's invasion of the Rhineland was a gamble that paid off as his push west remained unchecked; while the leaders of Europe attempt 'peace', Kristallnacht signalled the horrors yet to come to many. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 14:15
60 Min
Svetski rat: 1914-1945.
Hitlerova invazija na Rajnlend je bio rizik koji se isplatio. Dok su se evropski lideri zalagali za mir, Kristalna noć ukazala je na horore koji se tek spremaju mnogima. (Viasat History)
18.01 15:15
60 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
After a snub in Munich, the Soviets make a pact with the Germans; with the invasion of Poland, the pretence of peace is gone as France and the UK declare war on Germany. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 15:15
60 Min
Svetski rat: 1914-1945.
Nakon neuspeha u Minhenu, Sovjeti prave pakt sa Nemcima. Sa invazijom na Poljsku, propadaju napori za uspostavljanje mira, a Francuska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo objavljuju rat Nemačkoj. (Viasat History)