18.01 11:15
60 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945.
Originalna i dramatična serija koja promatra nasilne i značajne epizode u modernoj povijesti iz nove perspektive _... (Viasat History HD)
18.01 11:15
60 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
During WWI, men had to endure combat and extreme conditions; civilians dealt with food shortages and raids. The insidiousness of ethnic cleansing raised its head, and a young Adolf Hitler took note. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 11:15
60 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945., ep. 2.
The World War: 1914-1945 Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
18.01 12:15
55 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Stalin rises as the leader of the Bolsheviks, and in Munich, the German Workers Party takes a new name: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter, or "Nazi" as it would come to be called. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 12:15
55 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945.
Staljin se uzdiže kao vođa boljševika, a u Münchenu Njemačka radnička partija uzima novo ime: Nationalsozialistische... (Viasat History HD)
18.01 12:15
55 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945., ep. 3.
The World War: 1914-1945 Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
18.01 13:10
65 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945., ep. 4.
The World War: 1914-1945 Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
18.01 13:10
65 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Hitler and Stalin begin to shape the course of history. President Roosevelt attempts to raise his country out of the Depression, and the world teeters on the brink of yet another World War. (Viasat History HD)
18.01 13:10
65 Min
Svjetski rat: 1914.-1945.
Originalna i dramatična serija koja promatra nasilne i značajne epizode u modernoj povijesti iz nove perspektive _... (Viasat History HD)
18.01 14:15
60 Min
The World War: 1914-1945
Hitler's invasion of the Rhineland was a gamble that paid off as his push west remained unchecked; while the leaders of Europe attempt 'peace', Kristallnacht signalled the horrors yet to come to many. (Viasat History HD)