26.03 09:15
5 Min
Easy Talk. Ep. 5.
(English Club HD)
26.03 09:15
5 Min
Easy Talk
Анимация, Великобритания, In this episode, you'll visit a cozy Italian restaurant and learn how important it is to have your friend's support in a difficult situation. (English Club)
26.03 09:20
15 Min
Let's Talk. Ep. 5.
(English Club HD)
26.03 09:20
15 Min
Let's Talk
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, Let's talk about picking birthday presents. (English Club)
26.03 09:25
30 Min
26.03 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Goto Masashi runs a platform linking coffee farmers and buyers directly, ensuring stable incomes despite market volatility. We asked him about the future of coffee amid climate change and challenges. ()
26.03 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-209
Goto Masashi runs a platform linking coffee farmers and buyers directly, ensuring stable incomes despite market volatility. We asked him about the future of coffee amid climate change and challenges. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
26.03 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-209
Goto Masashi runs a platform that links coffee farmers and buyers directly and ensures stable incomes despite market volatility - we ask about the future of coffee amid climate change and challenges. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
26.03 10:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Goto Masashi / CEO of TYPICA (NHK WORLD)
26.03 11:00
180 Min
Talk B1
Stiri de ultima ora, informatii utile, subiecte sociale de interes imediat. Toate acestea intr-o singura emisiune _ "Talk B1" _ in fiecare zi, de luni pana vineri, de la ora 13.00. - Sursa: media-press.tv ()