10.03 02:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-198
Tomita Hiroshi is the founder of a company that specialises in detecting underground cavities - he discusses how his technology is reducing risks and mitigating damage from all sorts of disasters. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
10.03 02:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Tomita Hiroshi is the founder of a company that specializes in detecting underground cavities. He discusses how his technology is reducing risks and mitigating damage from all sorts of disasters. ()
10.03 02:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Mitigating Disasters Saves Lives (NHK WORLD)
10.03 02:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-198
Tomita Hiroshi is the founder of a company that specialises in detecting underground cavities - he discusses how his technology is reducing risks and mitigating damage from all sorts of disasters. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
10.03 02:50
120 Min
NDR Talk Show
Bettina Tietjen und Steven Gätjen (NDR FS NDS HD)
10.03 03:38
59 Min
Nedjeljom u 2, talk-show
Informativni (HRT1 HD.)
10.03 03:55
5 Min
Easy Talk. Ep. 23.
(English Club HD)
10.03 03:55
5 Min
Easy Talk
Анимация, Великобритания, In this episode, robotisation of production will lead to changes in work processes that will not please all employees, however. (English Club)
10.03 04:10
15 Min
talk talk talk
Show, D 2008. Große Emotionen, kuriose Szenen, interessante Gäste und charmante Moderatoren: In der Sendung werden die Höhepunkte aller Talk-Shows einer Woche aus den Jahren 1999 bis 2011 ... (sixx HD)
10.03 04:11
16 Min
talk talk talk
Talk talk talk Entertainment, D 2008 Altersfreigabe: ab 16 (WH vom Montag, 13.06.2022, 06:05 Uhr) (sixx)
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