19.09 23:10
40 Min
Tajna naše kuhinje
Može li se nazrijeti sukob generacija u spoju tradicionalnog i modernog pristupa kulinarstvu? Koliko je domaće robe na bh. (TV Hayat 2)
19.09 23:24
6 Min
Futuris, Tajna mladosti
Obrazovni (Da Vinci Learning.)
19.09 23:40
45 Min
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch
As the team begins drilling in search of a metal object buried in the Mesa, they also perform a new experiment at the Triangle that causes startling UFOs to appear on Skinwalker Ranch. (History HD)
20.09 00:05
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost, ep. 4.
Secret Nazi Science Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.09 00:05
60 Min
Secret Nazi Science
What would it take to bomb the Allies into the ground? This was the question on the minds of top Nazi brass as they mobilised Germany's top scientists to create frightening new bombs. (Viasat History HD)
20.09 00:05
60 Min
Tajna nacistička nauka
Šta je potrebno da bi se sravnili saveznici? Ovo je bilo glavno pitanje među nacistima koji su mobilisali najbolje nemačke naučnike sa ciljem da stvore zastrašujuće nove bombe. (Viasat History)
20.09 00:05
45 Min
Naziści: ściśle tajna nauka: odc.4
(Polsat Viasat History HD)
20.09 00:05
60 Min
Nacistička tajna znanost
Nakon sloma nacističkog carstva na kraju Drugog svjetskog rata, najmračnije tajne izašle su na vidjelo. (Viasat History HD)
20.09 03:30
25 Min
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch
Matty Blake meets Brandon Fugal to discuss his purchase of Skinwalker Ranch in 2016, getting new insights about the team's investigation. (History HD)
20.09 03:55
20 Min
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch
Astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor takes a compelling look back at the many shocking events that the team has encountered during their investigation of the so-called Triangle on Skinwalker Ranch. (History HD)
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