08.01 01:20
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Ova se epizoda fokusira na Guernsey, otok koji je Hitler okupirao i pretvarao u tvrđavu tijekom pet godina. (Viasat History HD)
08.01 01:20
55 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
This episode focuses on Guernsey, an island which Hitler occupied and fortified over the course of five years. (Viasat History HD)
08.01 01:20
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze, ep. 1.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
08.01 13:05
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History HD)
08.01 13:05
60 Min
Nacističke tajne baze 3, ep. 3.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
08.01 13:05
60 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
The Nazis did all they could behind enemy lines to keep the Luftwaffe in the air and set up shop in Kamienna Gora; do the abandoned plants and tunnels here hide Hitler's ultimate revenge weapon? (Viasat History HD)
08.01 19:05
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze
Kolaps Trećeg Reicha ostavio je za sobom barem onoliko misterija koliko i ostataka skrivenih u objektima razasutim... (Viasat History HD)
08.01 19:05
55 Min
Secret Nazi Bases
The Maisy Battery was made up of three-and-a-half miles of recently-excavated trenches, bunkers, barracks, and gun encasements near Pointe du Hoc that tell a new story of D-Day. (Viasat History HD)
08.01 19:05
55 Min
Nacističke tajne baze, ep. 2.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
09.01 01:15
50 Min
Nacističke tajne baze, ep. 2.
Secret Nazi Bases Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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