28.12 08:15
65 Min
The Secret Story of the Knights Templar
The Knights Templar were established as a special religious-military order within the tradition of medieval knighthood, but the rise and fall of the Order involves several secrets and mysteries. (Viasat History HD)
28.12 08:15
65 Min
Tajne vitezova templara
Vitezovi Templari uspostavljeni su kao poseban religiozno-vojni red, unutar tradicije srednjevekovnog viteštva, ali uspon i pad ovog reda povezuje se sa nekoliko tajni i misterija. (Viasat History)
28.12 09:20
65 Min
The Secret Story of the Knights Templar
Discover the developments that led the famous Knights Templar to extreme power; they subsequently became the target of specific accusations arranged by the French court. (Viasat History HD)
28.12 09:20
65 Min
Tajne vitezova templara
Otkrijte šta je Vitezove Templare dovelo do ultimativne moći. Oni su zbog toga postali mete optužbi koje su dolazile sa francuskog dvora. (Viasat History)
28.12 10:25
70 Min
The Secret Story of the Knights Templar
The Knights Templar left a legacy both visible - with castles, villages, and abbeys - and invisible through long-lasting traditions claiming the survival of individuals belonging to the Order. (Viasat History HD)
28.12 10:25
70 Min
Tajne vitezova templara
Vitezovi Templari ostavili su vidljivo i nevidljivo nasleđe, kroz zamkove, sela i samu tradiciju koja živi kroz pojedince koji se deklarišu da pripadaju ovom redu. (Viasat History)
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