10.03 10:30
30 Min
Talk to Al Jazeera
Talk to Al Jazeera dissects Argentina's controversial new president and the high-stakes gamble of his radical vision. ()
10.03 10:30
30 Min
Talk to Al Jazeera
Javier Milei (Al Jazeera English)
10.03 10:30
30 Min
Μιλώντας στο Al Jazeera
DIS0019481996 (Al Jazeera )
10.03 10:30
30 Min
Talk to Al Jazeera
Информационно предаване, Катар, 2024, Talk to Al Jazeera dissects Argentina's controversial new president and the high-stakes gamble of his radical vision. (Al Jazeera)
10.03 11:00
180 Min
Talk B1
Stiri de ultima ora, informatii utile, subiecte sociale de interes imediat. Toate acestea intr-o singura emisiune _ "Talk B1" _ in fiecare zi, de luni pana vineri, de la ora 13.00. - Sursa: media-press.tv (B1 TV)
10.03 11:00
180 Min
Talk B1
Stiri de ultima ora, informatii utile, subiecte sociale de interes imediat. Toate acestea intr-o singura emisiune _ "Talk B1" _ in fiecare zi, de luni pana vineri, de la ora 13.00. - Sursa: media-press.tv ()
10.03 11:00
180 Min
Talk B1
(rom., 2025, emis. info.) Stiri de ultima ora, informatii utile,... (B1 TV)
10.03 12:00
150 Min
Τα Λέμε
DIS0019440146 (Βεργίνα TV)
10.03 12:40
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-198
Tomita Hiroshi is the founder of a company that specialises in detecting underground cavities - he discusses how his technology is reducing risks and mitigating damage from all sorts of disasters. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
10.03 12:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Mitigating Disasters Saves Lives (NHK WORLD)
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