30.06 16:26
96 Min
Taxi Drivers
Director: Theodor Boia, Bogdan Theodor Olteanu; Actor: Adrian Ban, Ioana Bugarin, Eva Cosac, Stefania Cîrcu, Ana Maria Guran, Nicoleta Hâncu, Carol Ionescu, Emma Mateciuc, Alex Mircioi (HBO 2 HD)
01.07 11:35
95 Min
Hallo Taxi
Heimatfilm (Heimatkanal)
02.07 12:30
80 Min
Ο Ταξιτζής
DIS0017620668 (COSMOTECinema3)
06.07 02:10
50 Min
Planet Taxi: 5001-416
World cities seen through taxi windows and conversations with their drivers. This time: Taipei - a city of high-rises and temples, tradition and innovation - as a personal and profound journey begins. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
06.07 08:10
50 Min
Planet Taxi: 5001-416
World cities seen through taxi windows and conversations with their drivers. This time: Taipei - a city of high-rises and temples, tradition and innovation - as a personal and profound journey begins. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
06.07 09:10
90 Min
Taxi 2
(CANAL+ Action HD)
06.07 09:10
90 Min
Taxi 2
Taxikář Daniel (Samy Naceri) musí využít své řidičské mistrovství a ujet rozzuřeným zabijákům a zachránit tak japonského velvyslance a dívku svého přítele. (CANAL+ Action)
06.07 14:10
50 Min
Planet Taxi: 5001-416
World cities seen through taxi windows and conversations with their drivers. This time: Taipei - a city of high-rises and temples, tradition and innovation - as a personal and profound journey begins. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
06.07 20:10
50 Min
Planet Taxi: 5001-416
World cities seen through taxi windows and conversations with their drivers. This time: Taipei - a city of high-rises and temples, tradition and innovation - as a personal and profound journey begins. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
20.07 02:25
30 Min
Eva Karl Faltermeier: TAXI. Uhr läuft.
3satFestival Mainz, September 2023 (3sat)
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