19.01 14:00
25 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Leonard and Howard find out that Sheldon is working with the Air Force behind their back, so they compare him with Edison for taking credit for their work. (Star Channel HD)
19.01 14:00
25 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Leonard and Howard find out that Sheldon is working with the Air Force behind their back, so they compare him with Edison for taking credit for their work. (STAR HD)
19.01 14:00
25 Min
Teorija velikog praska 11, ep. 8. serija
THE BIG BANG THEORY (2013) Komedija (STAR Channel.)
19.01 14:25
30 Min
Teorija velikog praska 11, ep. 9. serija
THE BIG BANG THEORY (2013) Komedija (STAR Channel.)
19.01 14:25
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon tries to teach the guys a lesson after they cut him out of a potentially valuable Bitcoin investment. Meanwhile, a seven-year-old video reveals a secret about Leonard and Penny's relationship. (STAR HD)
19.01 14:25
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon tries to teach the guys a lesson after they cut him out of a potentially valuable Bitcoin investment. Meanwhile, a seven-year-old video reveals a secret about Leonard and Penny's relationship. (Star Channel HD)
19.01 22:10
20 Min
Teorija velikog praska 2, ep. 22. serija
THE BIG BANG THEORY (2009) Komedija (RTL2.)
19.01 22:10
20 Min
Teorija velikog praska
Na proslavi priznanja novog izuma "svemirskog zahoda", Howard sreće Stuarta koji ga pita za savjet što bi trebao raditi na drugom izlasku s Penny. Howard mu, naravno, daje vrlo loš savjet. (RTL 2)
19.01 22:30
30 Min
Teorija velikog praska 2, ep. 23. serija
THE BIG BANG THEORY (2009) Komedija (RTL2.)
19.01 22:30
30 Min
Teorija velikog praska
Sheldon dobiva nacionalnu stipendiju za tromjesečnu ekspediciju na Sjeverni pol, u kojoj bi trebao dokazati teoriju struna. (RTL 2)
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