21.03 08:55
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
The guys stumble across, then squabble over one of the prop rings from the Lord of the Rings movie. (Star Channel HD)
21.03 08:55
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
The guys stumble across, then squabble over one of the prop rings from the Lord of the Rings movie. (STAR HD)
21.03 08:55
30 Min
Teorija velikog praska 3, ep. 17. serija
Komedija (STAR Channel.)
21.03 09:25
30 Min
Teorija velikog praska 3, ep. 18. serija
Komedija (STAR Channel.)
21.03 09:25
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon needs advice when he is asked to give a speech in order to accept an award. (STAR HD)
21.03 09:25
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon needs advice when he is asked to give a speech in order to accept an award. (Star Channel HD)
21.03 13:10
25 Min
Teorija velikog praska
Sheldon je uzrujan oko svoje karijere, ruši trgovinu stripova i Leonardovo i Pennyno buduće prebivalište. Howard i Bernardette ne mogu zadržati skrbništvo nad njegovom majkom. (RTL2.)
21.03 13:35
25 Min
Teorija velikog praska
Četrdeset i pet dana nakon odlaska iz Pasadene, Sheldon se nađe u Arizoni, gdje mu ukradu sve stvari, uključujući i hlače. Zove Leonarda da dođe po njega, a ovaj sa sobom povede i Amy. (RTL2.)
21.03 20:00
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Comedy series - Ep. 19. Leonard tells Penny that he loves her, but Penny isn't yet at that point to say it back to him. Later, they have a big fight over her inability to tell him the same. (Star Channel HD)
21.03 20:00
30 Min
The Big Bang Theory
Comedy series - Ep. 19. Leonard tells Penny that he loves her, but Penny isn't yet at that point to say it back to him. Later, they have a big fight over her inability to tell him the same. (STAR HD)
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