01.06 09:00
30 Min
World Spas
World Spas on Travelxp highlights the most exquisite spas in the world, where you can refresh and recharge your battery. (Travelxp HD)
01.06 09:00
30 Min
World Spas (4)
Chiva Som, Thailand (Travel XP)
01.06 09:00
30 Min
World Spas
Chiva Som, Thailand E04. Today spas have mushroomed everywhere but there are still some that stand out with their superior programs designed to help one regain balance between body, mind and soul. One such spa is Chiva Som. ()
01.06 09:00
30 Min
World Spas
Chiva Som, Thailand E04. Today spas have mushroomed everywhere but there are still some that stand out with their superior programs designed to help one regain balance between body, mind and soul. One such spa is Chiva Som. (Travel XP HD)
02.06 07:00
30 Min
World Spas (5)
Gaya Island Resort, Malaysia (Travel XP)
02.06 07:00
30 Min
World Spas
Gaya Island Resort, Malaysia E05. Best thing about being on an island is that you come prepared for relaxing, and with no set itinerary in mind. But at Gaya, do not miss the chance to explore the marine park apart from spa therapies. ()
02.06 07:00
30 Min
World Spas
Gaya Island Resort, Malaysia E05. Best thing about being on an island is that you come prepared for relaxing, and with no set itinerary in mind. But at Gaya, do not miss the chance to explore the marine park apart from spa therapies. (Travel XP HD)
02.06 07:00
30 Min
World Spas
World Spas on Travelxp highlights the most exquisite spas in the world, where you can refresh and recharge your battery. (Travelxp HD)
02.06 13:00
30 Min
World Spas (5)
Gaya Island Resort, Malaysia (Travel XP)
02.06 13:00
30 Min
World Spas
Gaya Island Resort, Malaysia E05. Best thing about being on an island is that you come prepared for relaxing, and with no set itinerary in mind. But at Gaya, do not miss the chance to explore the marine park apart from spa therapies. (Travel XP HD)
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