30.09 14:45
60 Min
Traganje za blagom sa Betani.
Mediteransko more nazivano je raznim imenama, budući da su pored njega živele brojne civilizacije. Ove vode imale su više interakcije sa ljudima nego bilo koje druge vodene površine na planeti. (Viasat History)
30.09 14:45
60 Min
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
The Mediterranean Sea has been called many names because it's been the lifeblood for countless civilisations; this body of water has experienced more human interaction than any other on the planet. (Viasat History HD)
01.10 07:45
60 Min
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Bettany Hughes travels the world in search of uplifiting stories during the Covid-19 pandemic; she explores islands and seas and witnesses a live dig of the palace of Alexander the Great in Greece. (Viasat History HD)
01.10 14:50
60 Min
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Bettany Hughes travels the world in search of uplifiting stories during the Covid-19 pandemic; she explores islands and seas and witnesses a live dig of the palace of Alexander the Great in Greece. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 07:35
60 Min
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
The Arabian Peninsula was once the frontier of mighty empires; here Bettany discovers messages from the past all around her, etched into the rocks by ancient inhabitants right up to the present day. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 14:50
60 Min
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
The Arabian Peninsula was once the frontier of mighty empires; here Bettany discovers messages from the past all around her, etched into the rocks by ancient inhabitants right up to the present day. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 14:50
60 Min
Traganje za blagom sa Betani.
Arabijsko poluostrvo nekada je predstavljalo među između dva moćna carstva. Ovde će Betani svuda oko sebe dapronađe poruke iz prošlosti. Te poruke su u stene utkali drevni starosedeoci. (Viasat History)
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