09.02 09:45
55 Min
Dr Dubrow transforms a woman's 'boner-free zone'. Dr Nassif fixes the nose of a woman who had her dentist perform her rhinoplasty. ()
09.02 09:45
55 Min
Dr Dubrow transforms a woman's 'boner-free zone'. Dr Nassif fixes the nose of a woman who had her dentist perform her rhinoplasty. (E!)
09.02 09:45
55 Min
Traljav posao
Pridružite se plastičnim kirurzima, Paulu Nassifu i Terryju Dubrowu, koji će učiniti sve da poprave loše odrađene... (E!)
09.02 12:30
55 Min
Traljav posao
Prošle godine su je doktori odbili, ali Lacey Wildd se vratila s problemom većim od njenih grudi. (E!)
09.02 12:30
55 Min
Where The Wildd Things Are. Rejected by the doctors last season, Lacey Wildd is back again with a problem bigger than her boobs. (E!)
09.02 12:30
55 Min
Where The Wildd Things Are. Rejected by the doctors last season, Lacey Wildd is back again with a problem bigger than her boobs. ()
09.02 13:25
55 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
09.02 13:25
55 Min
Dr. Dubrow operates on a transgender woman's uni-boob, Dr. Nassif fixes a 24-year-old crater on a woman's nose and the Doctors meet Blondie who aspires to be a plastic doll. ()
09.02 13:25
55 Min
Dr. Dubrow operates on a transgender woman's uni-boob, Dr. Nassif fixes a 24-year-old crater on a woman's nose and the Doctors meet Blondie who aspires to be a plastic doll. (E!)
09.02 14:20
55 Min
In this one hour special, we follow three outrageous stories of individuals seeking perfection. ()
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