14.03 03:00
60 Min
Terry operates on a cancer survivor whose gynecologist did her tummy tuck, Paul performs a reconstructive rhinoplasty on a woman who's been teased about her nose since childhood. (E!)
14.03 03:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
14.03 03:00
60 Min
Terry operates on a cancer survivor whose gynecologist did her tummy tuck, Paul performs a reconstructive rhinoplasty on a woman who's been teased about her nose since childhood. ()
14.03 04:00
60 Min
After almost dying during a procedure in Ecuador, an ex-playboy model wants to take a second chance at fixing her neck and nose. ()
14.03 04:00
60 Min
After almost dying during a procedure in Ecuador, an ex-playboy model wants to take a second chance at fixing her neck and nose. (E!)
14.03 04:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
14.03 05:00
60 Min
A fitness enthusiast and nasal spray addict wants Paul to fix her nose, a woman with deflated boobs comes to Terry for help, and the doctors meet the world's most identical twins. ()
14.03 05:00
60 Min
A fitness enthusiast and nasal spray addict wants Paul to fix her nose, a woman with deflated boobs comes to Terry for help, and the doctors meet the world's most identical twins. (E!)
14.03 05:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
14.03 09:40
55 Min
Terry operates on a cancer survivor whose gynecologist did her tummy tuck, Paul performs a reconstructive rhinoplasty on a woman who's been teased about her nose since childhood. (E!)
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